1997 Winter Attempt at Haystack Part 1

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Gabe and Cliff ready for the road.

Crossing John's Brook.

Getting by a tricky spot along the brook.

Camp at Bushnell Falls.

A little snow fell over night and the wind is fierce.

Plenty of powder.

Approaching Slant rock lean-to. We heard shouting on the mountains. We later learned that someone spent two unplanned nights on Marcy due to the nasty conditions and rescuers were looking for the person.

Climbing toward razor rock.

The wind was blasting across razor rock. Walking was nearly impossible with the wind.

We get a glimpse of Haystack but are nearly blown away.

One last photo before heading down out of the wind.

Crashing for a rest at Slant rock lean-to on the way back to Bushnell Falls. We ended up hiking out to the garden. But our car was stuck in the parking lot and it took hours to get towed out.