Discrete Math

Cliff used J with his Discrete Math class during the fall of 2003. He used five J laboratories:
  1. Logic and Propositional Equivalence
    Practice at testing tautologies
  2. Algorithms, Complexity and a Glimpse at Sorting
    Empirical test of time complexity and merge sort as a mystery function
  3. Euclidean Algorithm and Random Sequences
    Finding modular inverses and application to pseodorandom number sequences and their reversal
  4. Binary Arithmetic
    implementing binary addition and multiplication and investigating their time complexity
  5. Representing Relations with Matrices and Digraphs
    Introduction to matrix/digraph representation of relations and various closures including Warshall's algorithm and connectednesss
These laboratories are currently written in PCTeX format. Faculty interested in browsing copies are welcome to request copies: email: reiterc@lafayette.edu. Exchanges welcome.

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