Discrete Math
Cliff used J with his Discrete Math class during the fall of 2003.
He used five J laboratories:
- Logic and Propositional Equivalence
Practice at testing tautologies
- Algorithms, Complexity and a Glimpse at Sorting
Empirical test of time complexity and merge sort as a mystery
- Euclidean Algorithm and Random Sequences
Finding modular inverses and application to pseodorandom number
sequences and their reversal
- Binary Arithmetic
implementing binary addition and multiplication and investigating
their time complexity
- Representing Relations with Matrices and Digraphs
Introduction to matrix/digraph representation of relations and
various closures including Warshall's algorithm and connectednesss
These laboratories are currently written in PCTeX format.
Faculty interested in browsing copies are welcome to request
copies: email: reiterc@lafayette.edu.
Exchanges welcome.
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