Advice for Reader's of
Fractals, Visualization and J, 2nd edition (or Special Fall 2005
edition) using J5.04 with the Image3 Addon

A number of J features have changed in J5.04 which
require minor or changes to the scripts from 5.01
and labs associated with the book. In addition, new scripts
were written for a special, but incomplete, edition of the 
text written for students during the Fall of 2005. The new
versions make substantial use of the image3 addon which
also needs to be installed.

Original Scripts     Script for J5.01   Script for J504 with Image3
alan.ijs             alan.ijs           alan.ijs
chaotica.ijs         chaotica2.ijs      chaotica3.ijs & chaotica3x.ijs
dwin.ijs             dwin+.ijs          dwin2.ijs
owin.ijs             owin+.ijs          owin+.ijs
ped8.ijs             ped8b.ijs          ped8c.ijs
povkit.ijs           povkit+.ijs        povkit2.ijs
raster4.ijs          raster5.ijs        raster6.ijs
ts_data.ijs          ts_data.ijs        ts_data.ijs

It is now advised that all materials be placed in
a subdirectory of the "addons" directory: addons/fvj2. 
Then the labs will be accessible and scripts loads 
will be as in the text except for the addition of the 
addons prefix to the path.

The labs were and are:

Most of the images created in the text can be
more or equally conveniently read or written
using tools from the image 3 addon
(available from Jsoftware)

In particular, to read an 8-bit paletted image file

'p b'=:readbmp8 'blur.bmp'     (raster5)

'p b'=:pal_read_bmp 'blur.bmp' (image3)

'p b'=:pal_read_bmp 'blur.png' (raster6)

(p;b) write_image 'image.bmp    (image3)

However, similar statements under image3 use
png's which are typically much smaller files

(p;b) write_image 'image.png    (image3)

Also, the image3 addon has facilties for creating
*.mov animations from J without using other tools.

Image files:
Original images           Updated for J5.04 with Image3
keys.bmp    (24 bit)      keys.jpg
blur.bmp    (8 bit)       blur.png
line.bmp    (8 bit)       line.png
nearp4m.bmp (8 bit)       nearp4m.png