Release Notes for the Image3 Addon
by Zachary X. Reiter and Clifford A. Reiter
June 2003

Some minor changes were required due to differences between J5.01a and J5.01b and J5.02a. Those, and some other minor changes are described in Image 3 addon release notes for J5.02a

Like the other releases of the image addon for J, this addon gives utilities for reading and writing images in a variety of formats from J. While the emphasis is on 24 bit images, there is some support for movies and 8-bit images. We have found the addon very useful and use it regularly. However, some variants of the image and movie types may not be successfully read. Moreover, the software is powerful, so users should be prudent and work on files that have been backed up.

The main utilities are organized into 4 scripts:
image3.ijs, movie3.ijs, html_gallery8.ijs, and prevare.ijs
See the Image3 lab and other help files for details.

Major Changes in Release 3 Minor Changes in Release 3:
Link to:
Release 2 of the J image addon; release notes
Image3 Main Help