John E. Pulsifer and Clifford A. Reiter, One Tub, Eight Blocks, Twelve Blinkers and Other Views of Life, Computers & Graphics, 20 3(1996) 457-462.
The time evolution of Conway's Game of Life is visualized in three dimensions by stacking the states at each generation. The color associated with each cell is determined by the number of neighboring live cells. Views generated by square initial configurations are considered.
See also:
· Some illutrations and animations from and auxilary to the paper: [Related Images and materials]
· A paper looking at Fuzzy Automata including the Game of Life. [Images, and Animations], [abstract]
· A classic reference:
E. Berlekamp, J. Conway, and R. Guy: Winning Ways For Your Mathematical Plays. Academic Press, New York, 1982.
· An early reference:
M. Gardner: The fantastic combinations of John Conway's new solitaire game of "life". Scientific American, 223 4, pp 120-123, 1970.