Jeffrey P. Dumont and Clifford A. Reiter, Chaotic Attractors Near Forbidden Symmetry, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 11 (2000) 1287-1296.
We explore chaotic attractors with symmetries that are close to forbidden symmetries. In particular, attractors with planar crystallographic symmetry that contain an imperfect, but apparent, rotation that does not preserve the lattice of translations are constructed. This gives us a visual representation of patterns which have low symmetry type, but which contain additional, provocative structure. Like Penrose tilings and diffraction patterns of quasicrystals, our constructions include local rotations that are forbidden from being global by classical crystallographic theory.
See also:
· [Preprint] of the paper.
· Chaotic Attractors exhibiting quasicrystalline structure: [Abstract] [Images and Animations]
· A Gallery of Chaotic Attractor images.
· A List of Chaotic Attractor publications.