Some Miscellaneous Fractals

Fractal Word of Words

Ben, Cliff, and Zach Reiter's J script that creates an iterated function system that creates a word of the user's choice.

Animated four dimensional Sierpinski fractal (1.8M)

An animation of a fractal created by Gabe Brission and Cliff Reiter in the summer of 1994.
A chaotic attractor with cyclic symmetry enhanced by p3 planar symmetry.
A chaotic attractor with the symmetry of a tetrahedron.

Developing the koch snowflake.
Developing the koch snowsmile.
A chaotic attractor with the symmetry of a dodecahedron.

Cyclic Symmetry using Sums or Conjugates.
Fast Fourier Transform of the Menger Sponge
Enhanced Penrose tiling

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